Checkup listens, understands, and charts vet SOAP notes so you can focus on delivering exceptional care.
What Vets Say About Us
See it in Action
Enough charting after hours, over weekends or during holidays. Let your SOAP notes write themselves.
Get a fully comprehensive note consisting of medically-relevant information only.
Get a summary of the patient visit before they check out. Simply email or print and hand it over.
How it works?
How it works?
Hit the record button to start a new consultation with a patient
Your note is ready for minimal edits with medically-relevant info only.
Notes are ready to be pasted into your PIMS, section by section or in full.
What's included?
Why this is so special?
Note Accuracy
What's included?
AI Jargon
Technical Details
AI Processing Time
Editing time
No more awkward silence while typing -
rediscover full eye contact with patients.
Unleash the power of AI scribing.